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May 10 2023 – Flippan Look S.L.
Full color spring!
The good weather is here And the days are getting much longer. You feel like dressing in lighter clothes, putting away your coats and filling yourself with colours. Time to start updating plugins! for this season! Including our glasses ;-) This spring 2023 we see that the trends in the optical world are very colorful, with transparencies and strong, bright...
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April 11 2023 – Flippan Look S.L.
Don't let presbyopia ruin your look!
Presbyopia, also known as eye strain, is a common vision problem that affects many people as they age. The eyes lose the ability to focus on nearby objects as clearly as before. This is because the eye's natural lens becomes less flexible and loses its ability to change shape to focus.Presbyopia is a natural part of the aging process, and...
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July 06 2021 – Flippan Look S.L.
Exercises to avoid presbyopia.
Te dejamos algunos ejercicios y hábitos para intentar retrasar la aparición de la presbicia lo máximo posible. Una buena rutina de ejercicios es esencial para relajar la zona ocular y, a largo plazo, retrasar las consecuencias y los efectos de la presbicia.
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April 08 2021 – Flippan Look S.L.
Discover the origin of the glasses!
Today we take it for granted that glasses are an instrument that we can easily dispose of, there are all types, sizes, shapes, colors... for all tastes and needs. But, have we stopped to think at what moment something that is now so basic and common began to form part of history? Well, it wasn't until the 13th century when...
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March 29 2021 – Flippan Look S.L.
Forget about glasses!
As we already advancing, they are developing a few drops to cure presbyopia, but how do these drops work? The drops from the pharmaceutical company Allegan, from AbbVie Company, are composed mostly of pilocarpine, a substance that is used in higher concentrations to treat glaucoma. These do not act directly on the lens, which is where the problem originates, but...
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March 25 2021 – Flippan Look S.L.
What's presbyopia?
According to the RAE it is “an optical defect characterized by vision confusion of close objectsrcano, when, due to age, the capacity of accommodation of the eye decreases” You have sat down to have a quiet breakfast at home, a freshly made coffee and some good toast (eating breakfast and taking care of yourself are not incompatible), you take the...
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